U sklopu projekta DGTRANS (Transport Opasnih Materija) održan je sastanak sa preduzećima iz oblasti transporta opasnih materija na prostoru BiH. Erasmus + Projekt DGTRANS za cilj ima unapređenje sigurnosti i bezbjednosti transporta opasnih materija na prostorima BiH, Zapadnom Balkanu i EU. Voditelj projekta Prof.dr. Osman Lindov izrazio je zadovoljstvo u pogledu saradnje sa kolegama iz Doboja sa kojim zajedno učestvuju u projektu. Cilj projekta je opremiti laboratorije, ponuditi izmjenu kurseva na Fakultetima, poboljšati edukaciju profesionalaca. Učesnici sastanka su razmijenili iskustva zajedno sa 15 osoba koja dolaze iz preduzeća koja se bave transportom opasnih materija.
Project title: Transport of Dangerous Goods – Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs – ID: 101082187
Project team of the University of East Sarajevo in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina for the abovementioned project is consisted of:
Name and Surname | Role at UES | Project Role | |
1. | Prof. Slobodan Lubura | Professor at Automation and Electronic department | Manager |
2. | Associate prof. Božidar Popović | Professor at Automation and Electronic department | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
3. | Associate prof. Miroslav Kostadinović | Professor at Information and Communication Systems in Traffic department | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
4. | Associate prof. Zoran Ćurguz | Professor at Emission of Polluting Particles from Transport | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
5. | Associate prof. Bojan Marić | Professor at Transport and Traffic Engineering | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
6. | Full Associate prof. Tihomir Đurić | Professor at Transport and Traffic Engineering | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
7. | Asocciate prof. Aleksandar Stjepanović | Professor at Information and Communication Systems in Traffic department | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
8. | Associate prof. Gordana Jotanović | Professor at Information and Communication Systems in Traffic department | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
9. | Asocciate prof. Dragana Nedić | Professor at Statistical Processing and Data Analysis | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
10. | Associate prof. Željko Stjepanović | Professor at Economic Indicators of Sustainable Transport | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
11. | Assistant prof. Goran Jauševac | Professor at Information and Communication Systems in Traffic department | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
12. | Assistant prof. Mirko Stojčić | Professor at Information and Communication Systems in Traffic department | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
13. | Assistant prof. Goran Kuzmić | Professor at Information and Communication Systems in Traffic department | Researcher, Teacher, Trainer |
14. | Assistant prof. Siniša Božičković | Professor at Evaluation of the Financial Value of Transport | Technical Staff |
15. | Assist. prof. Dr. Nikola Davidović | Professor at Computer science department | Technical Staff |
16. | MScEE Vladimir Malčić | Senior teaching assistant at Transport and Traffic Engineering | Technical Staff |
Kick-off meeting of the CBHE project Transport of Dangerous Goods – Modernization of Curricula and Development for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs was held at the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica on Tuesday and Wednesday, 28th of February and 1st of March 2023.
All the project partners were present on the initial meetings where planned activities were discussed thoroughly in order to ensure consolidation of all the projects partners.
The meeting received media coverage with local and national television channels and press release.